“The Seventh Veil of Salome” is a historical fiction novel in which the turbulent days surrounding the Romans, the biblical Jesus of Nazareth, and John the Baptist are depicted. At a fabulous banquet at Herod’s palace, Salome dances the sultry “dance of the seven veils.” Following Salome’s dance, John, the man she loves but cannot have, is beheaded at her request.
Surprisingly intertwined with Salome’s narrative are the stories of Vera and Nancy, women living during the Golden Age of Hollywood in the 1950s. All three are strong women with visions of their own. All have been seduced by glamor and, in spite of their less traditional female roles, are at the mercy of men in their orbit.
Salome, who has inspired artists and poets for over 2000 years, could have anything she wants, especially if she defers to the seduction of the lecherous Herod, her uncle and stepfather. She is in love with John, but he rejects her for his ministry. She wants to kiss him, and she finally gets her wish after his death at her hands.
Vera Larios, living in Mexico in the 1950s and working for her father, is accidentally “discovered”by an apprentice in the Hollywood film industry. She is thrilled to have been chosen by a moody director to star in a historically epic movie about Salome to be filmed in Los Angeles. Vera is thwarted throughout the production by jealous co-stars who plant lies about her in trade magazines and newspapers. She weathers racial slurs and rumors of false scandals. Her mother cruelly compares her to her sister who is more talented and more beautiful in her mother’s eyes.
Nancy has the role as a handmaiden in the movie. She is seething with jealousy because she believes she should have been chosen to play Salome. Nancy will go to any length, by any means necessary, to prevent Vera from starring in the film.
Behind the drama of Salome’s, Vera’s, and Nancy’s lives are tales of Hollywood and its effect on writers and stars who were harassed by the actions of the infamous House Committee on Unamerican Activities. Many Hollywood talents were wrongly persecuted for being Communists and were often compelled to leave the country and their careers.
“The Seventh Veil of Salome” is a highly readable, beautifully written story of three provocative, innovative, and significant women told against the backdrop of the times of Jesus and the “glorious” days of Hollywood.
About the Author: Silvia Moreno-Garcia is the author of books in a wide variety of genres including “Mexican Gothic” and “The Daughter of Doctor Moreau.” “The Seventh Veil of Salome” has been chosen as a “Good Morning America” August Book Club Pick.
